Thursday, 21 August 2008







总括而言 翁诗杰

为学生 - 尽心尽力,力争到底
- 鞠躬尽瘁,永不退缩

为华社 - 敢怒敢言,不平则鸣

Thursday, 14 August 2008








Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Stop The Moral Decay

~ Peter Phang

Whatever we do when we are a leader especially in the national level, we are a public figure and we shall not and CANNOT do those things that are not ethical and immoral. Pardon from the wife or family members has no significance in this unless the person has resigned from being a public figure then it shall be a family matter entirely. In the government, the Chinese ministers represent you and me and all the Chinese in this land and please go and ask how many are willing to have a leader that are immoral and have illicit affairs?? Where are the family values that supposed to be the cornerstone of these leaders? Even in the Western world, these immoral leaders are not fit to be the leader esp in the national level, remember Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky’s case? She is unmarried and yet not acceptable by the Western standard in allowing Bill to entitle lesser punishment. As a public figure and leader, one is subjected to public scrutiny and if one thinks this is too much, then leaves your position.

My stand is: as a public figure, once he has committed a serious moral offence, whether we can forgive him or not are our own rights BUT we cannot forget or condone it as if it has never happened.

We as Chinese, if want to be a leader for the community, the values of Confucianism are paramount. The saying goes: Before you lead a country or community, you must ensure good order for your own wellbeing and family before hand(A Chinese proverb). How will the young and children think about this if we ourselves don’t uphold the core family values? Do you think it is ok to sleep around for a national leader and minister? Wouldn’t he or she is subjected to becoming a liability to the country, community or family if he/she is caught? It can well become a national security issue and one is forced to do whatever our enemy wants if the wrongdoing is caught hold of. Do you think this is OK? Like or not, please leave your public position alone and do not taint it or make it a liability for the nation or community if one wants to have a free and easy private life, no one in the public will give it a damn really because we have more important things in life then to become a nosy parker.

As for our 'Big Sister', ie Head of wanita, her comments yesterday were politically driven and self-centred as she is eyeing for the presidency seat and wishes to obtain the support from the group even this means twisting moral values and ignoring blatant sins. Let the MCA delegates especially the wanita to uphold the righteousness for the future of our community and nation and stop the moral decay from worsening and be part of our way of life during their AGM.

All of us have a duty to ensure that moral decay is kept at check if we want to have a good future with good leaders.

Monday, 11 August 2008

Message To Ong

~Kean Tean Neo

I have always admire your courage and I like to listen to your articulated speeches whether in English, Bahasa or Mandarin. But lately, I have second opinions about your character.

To err is human, to forgive is divine. Always give our friends or foes the benefit of doubt. I am not a supporter of Chua nor OTK and I am not an MCA member. I am just a Malaysian who is interested in the well-being of the country and her people.

If Chua wants to be president of MCA, let the MCA elected representatives decide. You don't have to talk so much. His wife and family have forgiven him. Why blew the dust?

I want to see someone who is able to lead the country out of the mess. After the general election, nothing has been done. Scandals, corruptions, slanders (on the political front), Barang Naik (BN), racial slurs, robberies and demos are more frequent than before the election. Something is very wrong somewhere. But I can't pin-point it.

What has MCA done? What happened to the post-mortem of the general election? Ong Ka Ting is literally out of the MCA scene.

Best of luck in your MCA President run. Do your utmost best for the people and the rakyat can see. The rakyat has grown to be more mature than you think.

Sunday, 10 August 2008


~ wildwild pig



Friday, 8 August 2008










Thursday, 7 August 2008

Future Leader Of MCA

Eric Choo Wei Sern
President Of MCA Club United Kingdom (2007/2008)

The March 2008 General Election (GE) has a significant impact on the Malaysian political scene which, amongst others, serves as a wake-up call to the Malaysian leaders. The election results showed the people’s wants for betterment, for leaders who could speak up, and not leaders who follow blindly. In terms of this, Datuk Ong Tee Keat is one of the few Malaysian leaders who could stand up proudly looking at his track records. He has been known for his courage to speak up against the wrongs and stood by the rights. It is thus no wonder why he is loved by the rakyats who endorsed him to be our leader.

Also, it is proven from this GE that the cyberspace is the new way forward where leaders of all backgrounds could either convene messages to the people or receive feedbacks from them. Personal websites and/ or blogs allow leaders to depict the true and accurate situation to the laypersons and serves as a platform for these leaders to know the woes of the rakyats. Despite being in politics for over 20 years, Datuk Ong has not lost his touch with the rakyats. He has lived along, and adapted, with the changes in this sophisticated era by setting up his own website ( where he could utilise these advantages offered by the cyberspace, both for himself and the rakyats.

Moreover, he is a scholar who excels in three of the main languages (Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin) as evident from his speeches and writings. His articulate and erudite delivery makes him a very convincing and admirable leader.

My Ministry Of Transport Journey

By Chow Kum Hor

Deciding to work for Datuk Ong Tee Keat in the Ministry of Transport was one of those come-what-may moments. The offer came rather unexpectedly, not too long after the watershed March 8 general election.

At that time, it seemed rather silly to jump into an unfamiliar territory. For starters, the threat of the government crumbling via crossovers was a big concern. For me, that scenario, if turns out to be true, would render me jobless faster than the fall of five states during the poll. And then, there was this uncertainty over the MCA elections. Again, the political dynamics in the party was very fluid then (it still is) and my job security hinges on the boss' political survival. To top it off, I was fairly comfortable as a journalist, the only trade I had ever known then.

Still, I took the Giant Leap of Faith. At that time, I had only a vague idea of what I am getting myself into. But my gut-feeling was loud and clear: Go with a capital "G".

Three months on, I still have moments when I question if I had made the right move. But so far, it's been one helluva journey. And I look forward to the road ahead.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008






那一个晚上,我代表筹委会招呼了我们的翁大侠,坐在他的身旁,聆听他的鼓励与肯定,最让我记忆深刻的便是那一句,“我今天来到这里,就是要告诉校方,华裔生的活动不该被欺压;既然署理副校长也来了,那更好,我就是要讲给他听!”翁大侠上台演讲的每一句话深得华裔生的欢心,因为该项活动虽步入第9届, 但却是首次把这一个活动搬进国大礼堂的舞台。这一个意义再加上翁大侠的措辞强烈,让华裔生顿时感受到团结就是力量,而隐藏着的意义更是此活动是由校方因是单一种族学会而不受承认的团体所主办的。因此,翁大侠也不顾忌主办团体的合法性,坚持与国大学生会推崇各华裔生的活动,当中包括了佛光山的盂兰节盛会。

